As a homage to its roots in Älmhult, Småland, IKEA Museum is launching a new collection focusing on the post code 343 36 – the location of the first ever IKEA store, and now IKEA Museum. The new collection is being launched on 30 May and will be on sale at the IKEA Museum pop-up shop at Magasin 405 during the H22 City Expo in Helsingborg, and at IKEA Museum in Älmhult.
“There is a long tradition in popular culture of linking identity to roots by referencing the post code. It can be seen in everything from hip-hop songs to TV series. At IKEA we are proud of our origins, and with this collection we want to pay tribute to Älmhult, which is the very heart of IKEA,” says Linda Fisti, Marketing & Communication Manager at IKEA Museum in Älmhult.
The collection is comprised of garments and objects that might be needed when out and about: T-shirt, hoodie, tote bag, key chain and water bottle in four different colours – white, black, orange and red – bearing the text 343 36 ÄLMHULT, SMÅLAND, SWEDEN.
The photos for the collection were taken at various landmarks in Älmhult at sunrise. As well as giving local patriots and IKEA personnel an opportunity to pay tribute to their origins, IKEA Museum hopes to be able to invite IKEA fans to this place in Småland where all IKEA products are developed, and where IKEA Museum tells the story of this process and much more.
“It often takes an outsider to open our eyes to the things we see every day. On this occasion we’re digging where we stand and paying homage to this unique place, which has had an impact on so many people’s everyday lives, whether directly or indirectly,” says Linda Fisti.
The new collection will be available for sale at the IKEA Museum pop-up shop at Magasin 405 during the H22 City Expo in Helsingborg. It will also be sold at IKEA Museum in Älmhult during the same period, and until further notice.
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Range & Supply Press Office
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Email: pressoffice.rangesupply@inter.ikea.com
Web: https://ikeamuseum.com
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