The prices shown are indicative of the time and do not represent the retail price in different IKEA markets. Pre-euro prices are converted at an exchange rate of SEK 10 = EUR 1.
A bright and groovy home
From POP 68 to HEP.
Revolution year 1968 brought the winds of change. Design and fashion reflected the times with bright colours, optimistic space shapes and modern materials. IKEA kept up too, launching the POP 68 collection in the same year – trendy, colourful furniture made from rational particle boards. Perfect for a young generation with a taste for anything new. The POP 68 collection was followed by several collections aimed at trend-conscious young consumers. Even if the copywriting in the catalogues is somewhat dated, the colourful furniture itself feels just as hip and relevant today.

“POP 68. A bright, groovy home for the beat generation and everyone else who dares to think young, new and anti-establishment. Fun, trendy stuff for cool cats who like to be surrounded by colour – a vibrant environment that’s far out! The admirably unprejudiced, hopelessly charming Pop generation has torn through our beloved conventions like a hurricane, bringing in the dazzlingly cool and colourful. Who wouldn’t be amazed by the happy explosions of colour and the sheer extravagance of these bold new shapes? POP 68 means a cosy living environment. Young, modern, outta sight sitting, resting and socialising. Tons of colour and design that’s a gas. Erik Wørts is the man behind POP 68, deservedly renowned and awarded for clever, personal design – with, and even ahead of, the times.” IKEA catalogue 1968.

“LACQUER – cozy living with colour. Katinka. Karusell. Capri. Cool things happening on the way to a fantastic furniture future – all thanks to architect Karin Mobring! This is trendy furniture, right on with the bold and rather revolutionary tastes of the younger generation. But it’s not new design just for the sake of it. Fashion photographers and furniture gourmets may like new, expensive designs far removed from reality, but what good is that to young furniture consumers of today? We are therefore delighted to present hip, new, bold furniture that’s comfy and functional – despite its originality, colour and groove. Furniture for cosy free living. This interior was a roaring success when IKEA in Malmö opened its doors!” IKEA catalogue 1968.

“ROBIN – far out seating stuff for you… A calm, harmonious interior – yet new and exciting. A room where it’s happening, where you just know cool, happy living awaits. A setting where the furniture is no longer a slave to conventional design. And it’s comfortable too. Who lives here? Above all it’s the hip younger generation, of course. They’ve helped to create the explosive, colourful ‘Pop age’ with their intense, captivating life rhythm, and now they’re making a home. Young people who just won’t accept a home in teak or jacaranda – but a flood of colour and new, simple design is right up their street. The Robin sofas and armchairs are by designer Gillis Lundgren, who has an eye for what independent young people want.” IKEA catalogue 1968.

“Young people! Terrifically fun stuff for a cosy, groovy, colourful environment – IKEA’s young furniture repertoire is the best, far-outest thing to happen to your room. This is the furniture for you if you like to get the gang round and spin some discs. If you like to have a blast. If you like your surroundings new, different and outta sight. Colourful designs to match your life today. Check out what IKEA has for you – and everyone who thinks young and bold – in its new collection. Make your home the baddest!” IKEA catalogue 1968.

“Here comes Hep! (useful ‘pop’ at a decent price) Curl up on Hep, sit on Hep, lie on Hep. Have it hip on Hep. Add colour with Hep. Build a home with Hep. Save money on Hep. The Hep series, designed by Gillis Lundgren, includes a white-painted bed (82x199 cm), a bench (82x136 cm) and a table (82x68 cm). For the bed and bench there’s a nice, soft daybed set with mattresses and back cushions covered in napped nylon jersey, available in a tempting red shade as pictured, or in a stunning bright yellow. You can place and use Hep in all kinds of ways. It’s a fun and unusual furniture series: practical, young and luxuriously comfortable. The mattresses and cushions are made of polyether with an extra soft surface, and are nicely rounded and cosy. The cushions have decorative buttons – the mattress fabric is removable.” IKEA catalogue 1969.