For the first time ever the “Life at home” report from IKEA will be made available for the many people through the exhibition “What makes a home” at IKEA Museum in Älmhult. IKEA Museum recreates the fact-filled report and delivers a holistic experience for curious exhibition visitors. The exhibition will be open for the public the 4 February to the 14 May 2017.
The “Life at home” report will for the first time be made available for the many people at IKEA Museum through the exhibition ”What makes a home”. The exhibition’s objective is to make the report tangible and explore its content in a three dimensional space. A journey throughout our life at home that’s both informative and inspiring.
– In the exhibition the audience at IKEA Museum will see new settings, objects and installations where the lines between different scales, illusions and facts are non consistent. We focus on the life at home in the city, urban lifestyle and the emotional dimension of a home, says Camilla Junger, exhibition manager at the IKEA Museum.
With the Life at Home report IKEA was curious about what makes a home. In a world that is changing faster than ever, it becomes increasingly important to understand the challenges that are faced and the needs we want our homes to fulfill today, and tomorrow. In the “Life At Home“ report IKEA chose to look at the life at home from four dimensions: Space, Things, Relationships and Place.
– At IKEA we are passionate about life at home. Understanding people’s lives at home helps us realise the IKEA vision to create a better everyday life for the many people. We are curious. We research, we seek to understand and we innovate, we always want to do things better, says Mikael Ydholm, IKEA of Sweden.
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Web: https://ikeamuseum.com
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