Akanksha, born and raised in New Delhi, India, was drawn to art from an early age. After missing the deadlines to art school, she turned to design and fashion. And it was during a workshop at her university, the National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT, that she first encountered IKEA. She and 25 other students worked together with guest lecturer Martin Bergström, a Swedish textile designer, on the SVÄRTAN collection. Inspired by India but monochrome, in black and white.
Akanksha joined the IKEA in-house design team in 2017, creating everything from curtains and kimonos to lamp shades. She is excited about the huge effect IKEA can have by, for example, sourcing more sustainable materials or making small adjustments in the production line. “As a young designer, it’s fantastic that everything you do could translate into a large and positive impact. But it’s also intimidating to have that responsibility on your shoulders,” says Akanksha.