Red wall lamp with long, adjustable arm.
Wall lamp
Johanna Jelinek
EUR 59

The IKEA PS 2012 wall lamp used LED technology, which made it possible to turn the lamp flat against the wall when not in use. Designer Johanna Jelinek explained: “Lamps often end up in the same places, on ceilings and in corners, and not always wherever the light is most needed. There is a great need for smart lighting solutions, and LED technology makes it possible. LEDs are small light-emitting diodes that are built into the lamp itself, and this means the lamps can be made smaller and narrower. That’s also why it fits into any room, wherever you need good light.”

Johanna Jelinek was one of the designers who developed products for the IKEA PS 2012 collection. They were inspired by history but updated and developed the form, function, materials and sustainability, for example by using new technology.

The wall lamp was launched in the IKEA catalogue in 2013, where the energy-saving LED lamps were presented as a minor revolution. It was sold at IKEA for three years. LED technology was so revolutionary at IKEA, that all the lamps it sells now are LED lamps.

More about the IKEA PS collections