Reconstruction of the exhibition Our Roots during week 9  


Scandinavian style bedroom with white bedlinen and furniture in light birch and soft, simple shapes.
Bedroom series
Ehlén Johansson
EUR 299/299/99

BJÖRKVALLA was a series of bedroom furniture designed by Ehlén Johansson. It was made in light birch and had soft, simple shapes. The bed had a headboard that was easy to adjust if you wanted to sit up in bed.

When BJÖRKVALLA was launched in the early 1990s, it marked the beginning of a new era in design. It was far from the earlier wayward range that included black leather, chrome and mahogany that was so popular during much of the Eighties, and could still be found in the IKEA range to some extent. IKEA had been looking too much at its competitors for inspiration, but new times were coming, with lighter woods and simpler forms. The style that came to be called Scandinavian soon began to take shape.